I was able to be a part of the Young Reader's Conference in Blount County, Alabama this year. I presented Storied Expressions to about 400 3rd and 4th graders at Hayden Elementary School with the story of Anansi the Spider. The next day I told the same story to three different groups of 1st graders for the day of the conference. I had a fabulous time.
This was an unbelievable conference that not only encouraged the abilities and imaginations of the children that participated, but brought together a group of educators who were able to do amazing things from the decorations (which were fabulous) to the programming and guests (who were also fabulous). Read on to see who I met :)
Although we didn't have time to talk for long, I was excited to meet Lisa McCourt (author of The Stinky Face Series and more), Sneed B. Collard III (author of over 50 award-winning children's non-fiction books), and Jim Aycock (a performing songwriter/actor).
http://www.lisamccourt.com/ - My children love the book I Love You, Stinky Face and I was excited to be able to meet the imaginative lady behind this and over 32 other books. Her books have sold over 4 Million copies! Her website is fun and informative, so take a look.
www.sneedbcollardiii.com - Mr. Collard has written award winning non fiction books that show children the world that is all around them. His books include: A Platypus, Probably; Beaks!; Animal Dads; and many more. For a list of more books and links to his blog and other sites, check out his website.
http://www.jimaycock.net/ - His voice can be heard on national tv/radio commercials (like Subway) and he has had speaking parts in several movies. You may have seen him as the defense lawyer in Walt Disney's "Tom and Huck". At the conference, Mr. Aycock was performing as Mark Twain in his one-man show as part of Alabama's Big Read.
Although I didn't get photos of the faces I painted, I have posted a few photos of the decorations, etc. on the face book fan site. Link to it from www.starshinefaces.com or Fan Site on Facebook
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